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Browno22 9:44 Mon Aug 21
Re: Lucy Letby

Darlo Debs 9:39 Mon Aug 21
Re: Lucy Letby
Malard 6:21 Mon Aug 21

Vexed 9:36 Mon Aug 21
Re: Lucy Letby
bruuuno 8:58 Mon Aug 21

The NHS are so inept I doubt they'd be able to successfully cover up anything like this for any length of time, even if they tried. Management in these places are fucking morons.

Vexed 9:35 Mon Aug 21
Re: Lucy Letby
Nurse Ratched 8:55 Mon Aug 21

Yeah I read that, weird cunt. Probably an only child too, the fucking mental. Her parents come across as a right iffy duo. They seem to know she did all this bad shit (as opposed to being in denial about it) yet still defend the piece of shit. Bit of mob justice for them two wouldn't be a bad thing either.

bruuuno 8:58 Mon Aug 21
Re: Lucy Letby
What concerns me is how many similar instances are out there that the nhs did manage to successfully cover up?

Nurse Ratched 8:55 Mon Aug 21
Re: Lucy Letby

I read that when she was arrested, her mum went spastic, and wailed to the police "Take me instead".

Vexed 8:44 Mon Aug 21
Re: Lucy Letby
Only child aint she. Always weird maladjusted cunts yer only children. This is an extreme case though to be fair. Hopefully someone will stab her fucking eyes out in prison.

Jaan Kenbrovin 8:41 Mon Aug 21
Re: Lucy Letby

Tbf, Firkin deserves a slagging if he doesn’t weigh in on a boat, the little tinker.

Even a remote control one.

Nurse Ratched 8:26 Mon Aug 21
Re: Lucy Letby
"Any chance we can use the WHO fund to pay to have this cunt killed?"

Bit harsh on Firkin, he's only the messenger.

On second thoughts, he did welch out on a boat bet with me...

Jaan Kenbrovin 8:21 Mon Aug 21
Re: Lucy Letby
Any chance we can use the WHO fund to pay to have this cunt killed?

BBondsBootlaces 8:07 Mon Aug 21
Re: Lucy Letby
should have wheeled her in like hannibal lecter.

MTC 7:00 Mon Aug 21
Re: Lucy Letby
She should of been bound and gagged and dragged to the court to hear her sentence.Mind you,can you imagine the lawyers queuing up to take on her case for breaching her human rights if they had.

zico 6:49 Mon Aug 21
Re: Lucy Letby
Fifth, I believe the Judge stated "This was a case in which the prosecution "substantially, but not wholly" relied on circumstantial evidence." Letby never confessed. So of course this isn't Hollywood so extremely unlikely that anyone set her up but like you say plenty of miscarriages of justice in the past.

mallard 6:21 Mon Aug 21
Re: Lucy Letby
Personally I’d prefer her to suffer for the rest of her life watching her back in fear of reprisals.

I think death penalty / suicide is the easy way out.

Just my opinion of course

Fifth Column 6:19 Mon Aug 21
Re: Lucy Letby
I don't know the details of the case. I fully understand she was found guilty beyond reasonable doubt from a legal perspective.

However, I struggle with the death penalty in cases like this where there appears to be overwhelming evidence but not a "smoking gun" so to speak. Think of the miscarriages of justice there have been over the years.

Where there is CCTV of someone murdering someone else etc and there is no way you can deny it then I'm fully supportive of the death penalty in principle.

zico 6:09 Mon Aug 21
Re: Lucy Letby
True Steve. At the vey least she should pay for her upkeep through brutally hard work and no comforts such as TV's or decent food, maybe they should bring old US style chain gangs back.

Stevethehammer 5:57 Mon Aug 21
Re: Lucy Letby
Of course it is a very divisive subject and one that I think should be open to every view, opinion, thought and feeling and no one should be slated for their view. I just happen to think that some crimes you are able to be rehabilitated, see the error of your ways and attempt to make amends. But for pure and utter evil like this woman there is no redemption, there is no come back. People make errors all the time, out of stupidity, desperation or whatever, what she did has no answer.
I understand the thoughts and feelings for her family but in this case I just think of the families who have suffered enough, knowing she still lives and breathes the same air, is still walking this earth albeit it behind closed doors, what will she bring to her own family apart from shame.
Of course the death penalty won't bring the children she has murdered back or take away the pain and suffering of everyone but it will surely help even just 1% to know she is no longer alive.
As I said, tough discussion, Death penalty eh. But it's my view that in these cases it should be an option.

Lee Trundle 5:33 Mon Aug 21
Re: Lucy Letby
NHS management being utter, UTTER shit shocker.

zico 5:33 Mon Aug 21
Re: Lucy Letby
Stevethehammer 5:21 Mon Aug 21

I used to agree then I saw one of those TV series on Death Row and there were interviews with parents and families of the accused/convicted. No one really thinks about the parents, siblings, wives and children of the convicted and the death penalty punishes them not just the convicted person themselves. Can't imagine living with the knowledge that your child committed such heinous crimes. Do innocent parents or families of such a person need to be punished effectively twice? It's a difficult discussion.

Stevethehammer 5:21 Mon Aug 21
Re: Lucy Letby
For cases like this I honestly believe that the death penalty is the only option. She will spend the rest of her live behind bars at the taxpayer expense and sadly the families of the babies she murdered will contribute to that expense.
She will no doubt go into a high security wing too for her own safety as I'm sure there will be many women in the same prison who for whatever reason, havent seen their own children grow up, happy to do what the state won't and switch her lights off.
It really does question humanity when you hear things like this. How anyone can do such a thing is beyond words.

Tomsdad 5:14 Mon Aug 21
Re: Lucy Letby
Could have caused all sorts of new heartache and anger had she been there with a big grin on her face as the Judge was calling out the sentence!

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